

TEDx Talk: Teaching Science with Compassion and Wonder

Nature is an extraordinary teacher. When learning steps outside the walls of classrooms or labs—whether in the sciences or arts—it has the power to transform our relationship with the world. Outdoor education can connect us with nature, and guide us on a path of respect and reciprocity.

Fire Side Chat with Dr. Jennifer Hardwick, Dr. Ross Laird, and Dr. Lee Beavington

COVID-19 has emphasized the important role of mental health and well-being in our classrooms and institutions. In the inaugural Fireside Chat, join Dr. Lee Beavington, Dr. Ross Laird, and Dr. Jennifer Hardwick as they discuss the personal and systemic challenges of balancing teaching, learning, and well-being; offer small steps to support mental health; and imagine how we might transform post-secondary education.

Soft Fascination

Ecopsychologists refer to nature's transformative affect on us as soft fascination. All of the video recorded for this project was captured by serendipity. That is, these wonders presented themselves to me as I journeyed through various wild places, and thus I observed and documented what was revealed to me.

SSHRC Storytellers: Bringing Biology Back to Life

Using my experience paddling the Amazon River and exploring melting glaciers in Norway, I tell a concise and compelling story of the importance of experiential, place-based education.

Beyond the Chalkboard Season III

Episode 5 - Interdepartmental Collaboration. Dr. Gordon Cobb talks with Erika Balcombe from the Wilson School of Design and Dr. Lee Beavington from the Faculty of Science and Horticulture about interdepartmental collaborations taking place in their departments and the impact this approach to learning has on both students and faculty alike.

3-Minute Thesis:
Scientific Ethics and Outdoor Education

SFU's Three Minute Thesis (3MT) finals. Won the People’s Choice Award and tied for first place in the Faculty of Education. 

The Art of Seeing

Sensing + Selecting + Perceiving = Seeing.

Linda Hogan says that “Without respect and reverence for [the land], there is an absence of holiness.” The Art of Seeing offers a glimpse back into poignancy and reverence.

Radiohead Vignette

River footage taken on (and in!) the Amazon River. #rhvignette